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EmSculpt Classic & EmSculpt Neo

Emsculpt Classic uses HIFEM technology that builds 16% muscle and burns 19% fat. 30 minutes = 20,000 sit ups/squats etc. We recommend 4 treatments of Emsculpt Classic. Each treatment is scheduled between 2-7 days apart. Emsculpt will continue to burn fat/build muscle 12 weeks from your last treatment.


How Does Emsculpt Work?

Emsculpt is FDA approved to tone & strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as tone & lift the buttocks. It works by applying high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to trigger supramaximal contractions, which cannot be achieved in voluntary muscle movement. 

Emsculpt Neo uses the same HIFEM technology but adds Radio frequency (heat) to the treatment. NEO is 30 minutes = 24,000 sit ups/squats etc. The heat is what is able to break down through multiple layers of fat! EMSCULPT NEO burns 30% body fat & builds 25% growth in new muscle. We recommend 3 treatments of EMSCULPT NEO scheduled between 5-10 days apart. Emsculpt will continue to burn fat/build muscle 12 weeks from your last treatment.

Areas that we can treat: ABS, Booty, Calves, Quads, Hamstrings, Inner Thigh, Flanks, Saddle Bags & Love Handles.

We have both Emsculpt Classic and Emsculpt NEO at Laser & Glow.

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Why Emsculpt?

EMSCULPT is a 30 minute treatment = 24,000 sit ups! No pain, No downtime, No sweat required! You simply lay down on a comfortable bed and let the machine do the work. Many clients say that Emsculpt feels like a tickling feeling or tens unit. You can always schedule a free consultation and try the machine out for a couple of minutes!

Emsculpt NEO burns 30% reduction in body fat & builds 25% growth in new muscle. Only Emsculpt NEO is medically able to remover visceral fat (the fat underneath the muscle) by 19%. Not even liposuction can remove that.

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